CurrentKey Stats

The tale of many small improvements, and a note about fetching CurrentKey Stats’ latest update and update notifications

I’ve been really enjoying smoothing out several rough spots in CurrentKey Stats lately, pushing precisely 10 updates in the past month all focused on UX!

I’m adopting a super cautious update-rollout policy. People like their CurrentKey, and I don’t want to fix something that’s not broken. I always want you to update on your terms! So I will only rarely “push” an app update to your device. (I figure nobody wants their app to update and restart up to 10 times per month.) Instead, my policy will be to usually have a “fetch” model – via CurrentKey’s App Store page itself, like so:

If you would like notifications about app updates as they come along, you can sign up for software update email alerts here.

I seriously LOVE it when users give me feedback. Email me at currentkeystats ( at ), and I can almost guarantee that I’ll respond within a day, unless some major life event is happening to me.

Cheers, Spencer